Sunday, October 30, 2011

1 Day to Halloween

Trick-or-Treat Etiquette

The Unwritten Rules of Halloween

 1. Trick-or-Treating starts just after dark (~7pm). Some people argue that little kids should trick-or-treat before dark and older kids go after dark. But it is generally assumed that 9 pm is the cut off time for trick-or-treating. However, your city my have a specific time for trick-or-treating.
2. Only ring the door bells of the houses with the porch lights on. And only ring the door bell once.
3. Everyone receiving candy must be in costume. You gotta earn that candy.
4. Age limit for trick-or-treaters should be 12-13 years old. But if you have younger children with you, the older kids can come if they are in costume.
5. To get candy you must say "Trick-or-Treat" and remember to say thank you after receiving candy. You should only take one piece unless otherwise instructed.

Safety Rules to Follow
1.Young children should always go trick-or-treating with an adult. Never trick-or-treat alone!! Have at least 2 friends go with you.
2.Plan you entire route and make sure your family knows what it is.
3. Wear only flame retardant costumes and accessories.
4. Accept candy only in the doorway. Never go inside a house. Don't take unwrapped candy.
5. Don't play near lit jack-o-lanterns or other open flames.
6. WALK! don't RUN. Stay on sidewalks and driveways. Cross the street only in crosswalks.
7. Take a cell phone with you if possible.
8. Carry a flashlight.

Have a fun and safe Halloween!


  1. What is this cell phone business? I don't think cell phones existed when I went trick-or-treating. I think parents are sufficient protections and that cell phones will be unnecessary. :) I have always been anti cell phones for some reason. :)

  2. LOL! As obnoxious as they can be, cell phones are helpful too.
